Published onAugust 2, 2021Life update - Travelling post/amidst(?) pandemiclifejaipurtravelThe one where everyone meets in Jaipur.
Published onJuly 15, 2021TIL - How to tranfer storage space between Operating SystemsTILLinuxtilHow to move X space to some Y place on disk, and vice versa.
Published onMarch 1, 2021About vim and building a basic .vimrcvimvimrcbashzshterminalThis is a blog about vim and what a basic vimrc should contain, also a reminder for me on how I set up my .vimrc
Published onOctober 11, 2019Markdown GuidegithubguideMarkdown cheatsheet for all your blogging needs - headers, lists, images, tables and more! An illustrated guide based on Github Flavored Markdown.